
    Getting to know Sri Lanka

    The country of wide beaches, many historical monuments, warm-blooded people and delicious and affordable food. There are not many countries in the world that have many tourist attractions like Sri Lanka. The culture of Sri Lanka reaches more than 2000 years, which is evidenced by the existing historical works. It is possible to mention the beautiful monasteries that are decorated with high precision, and also Sri Lanka is a place for a wonderful and affordable trip. With all this unique beauty, it is still not as well known among tourists as it should be, and not many tourists travel to this spectacular destination, and in addition to enjoying beach activities and pleasant tropical weather, you can visit the heights. And take advantage of the pleasant weather and green landscape

    History of Sri Lanka

    The most provincial human findings found in Sri Lanka are related to 34 thousand years ago and are human remains known as Balangoda Man. The ancient inhabitants of Sri Lanka, known as the Veddas, were of Tamil descent and a sub-branch of the dark-skinned Dravidian race, who migrated from southern India to northern Sri Lanka in the distant past. In 543 BC, however, the Sinhalese, who were from the Aryan tribes of India, led by Prince Vijaya, started migrating from a place in India called Sinhapura and moved to Sri Lanka. The Aryan Sinhalese defeated the locals of this island and pushed them to the south and established a new government in the north. From that time, the conflict between these two tribes started for many years, which was still going on until some time ago. Today, with more than 15 million people, the Sinhalese have made up 75% of the people of Sri Lanka and become the majority. In the 12th and 13th centuries, Muslim merchants did more business in this region and dominated this region until the early 16th century, until in 1505, the coastal areas of Sri Lanka were conquered by the Portuguese and took control of the situation. Catch. In 1658, the Dutch were able to occupy the place of the Portuguese, and in 1795, England, in the same way, filled and occupied the Netherlands and added it to its official colony in 1798. In the years of the First World War, an independence movement was formed in Ceylon, but the deceptive actions of the British could not satisfy this movement, and on February 4, 1948, Ceylon achieved complete independence.

    Language and religion of Sri Lanka

    Its official languages are Sinhala and Tamil, the population of this country is 20 million two hundred thousand people. 75% of the people of this country are Sinhalese. which is an Aryan tribe that moved from northern India to Sri Lanka. 11% of the people of Sri Lanka are of Tamil descent, which is a Dravidian ethnic group, 70% of the people of Sri Lanka are Buddhist, 13% Hindu and 10% Muslim. The annual festival known as "Buddha Day" is a special occasion for Sri Lankan Buddhists, and there is also a small population of Zoroastrians living in Sri Lanka, who are Persians from India who came to Ceylon during the British rule over the region, and the number of Persians in Sri Lanka has decreased in recent years. It has gradually decreased.

    Climate of Sri Lanka

    The climate of Sri Lanka is hot and humid, which is due to the winds that blow towards it from the ocean, and the climate of Sri Lanka is usually balanced throughout the year, but the seasons are actually divided into dry and humid, if you plan to stay in the coastal areas. Settle in. Light cotton clothes will suffice. The best time to visit the west and south coasts is from December to March, and while the best weather on the east coast is from April and May to September, and Sri Lanka, due to its location near the equator, the temperature throughout the year is The ratio remains constant and the coastal areas have an average daily temperature of about 26 to 30 degrees Celsius, which usually reaches well over 30 degrees Celsius during the hottest part of the day, and the temperature decreases with altitude, to an average of 18 degrees. It will decrease to 22 degrees Celsius in Kandy and the highest parts of the island will cool down and also at night the air will be quite cold in the hills and the air temperature will sometimes reach close to freezing humidity and in the southwestern areas the percentage will decrease and it will be approximately 60 to 80 The percentage increases in other parts of the island. In general, it is better to travel to this island in the months of December to March because this time also coincides with the Christmas and New Year holidays, take advantage of this opportunity and spend your vacation in Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lankan currency

    The official currency of Sri Lanka is rupees, each rupee is divided into 100 cents, and this currency is under the supervision of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

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